
Largest retailer of Persian rugs in UK

Isfahan Carpets Ltd has the largest selection of hand made Persian rugs and carpets in the country, at the keenest prices.

The selection ranges from the most humble tribal salt bag to the finest city masterpieces.

At Isfahan Carpets Ltd you will find over 1000 unique pieces, each sold with a letter of provenance detailing the history, origin, value and symbolism of the rug.

Sourced directly in Iran

All the carpets you will see at the Isfahan Carpets Ltd have been purchased at source in Iran. My agents and I have visited the encampments of Bakhitari, Kurdish, Turkamen and Kashgai nomads and village weavers as well as the great bazaars of Hamadan, Tehran, Sanandaj, Isfahan, Shiraz and Mashad to bring you these magnificent masterpieces.

I encourage you to come to Broxburn to see these impressive carpets and rugs in their unique glory. I look forward to seeing you soon.

To see more of our Persian hand woven rugs and carpets stock please visit our sister website

Get your hand on some authentic Persian masterpieces today. Call Isfahan Carpets Ltd today on
01506 857 135

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